Future Forest Strategy Department

The Future Forest Strategy Department is contributing to enhancing the quality of life and realizing a sustainable society by developing strategies and utilization systems to enhance the value of domestic and international forestry. This includes research on forest industry activation, international and inter-Korean forest cooperation, the establishment of a digital forest management system, and support for private forest management. The department also conducts research on forest welfare, human services integration, carbon sink enhancement for 2030 NDC implementation and achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

The Forest Carbon Center on Climate Change aims to achieve the 2030 NDC goals and 2050 carbon neutrality by researching responses to forest sector climate change negotiations, enhancing domestic carbon sinks, and developing measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems for forest carbon reduction and transfer abroad.

Forest Carbon Policy Research Team

The Forest Carbon Policy Research Team conducts research on forest sector greenhouse gas absorption forecasts, climate change responses, and reduction policies to achieve national greenhouse gas reduction goals.

  • Overview of Forest Carbon Projection Model
    Overview of Forest Carbon Projection Model

    Overview of Forest Carbon Projection Model

  • 2030 Nationally Determined Contribution(NDC)
    2030 Nationally Determined Contribution(NDC)

    2030 Nationally Determined Contribution(NDC)

  • 2050 Carbon Neutrality Strategy for the Forestry Sector
    2050 Carbon Neutrality Strategy for the Forestry Sector

    2050 Carbon Neutrality Strategy for the Forestry Sector

The Overseas Forest Carbon Research Team

The Overseas Forest Carbon Research Team conducts studies on promoting sub-national level REDD+ projects, establishing operational standards, and other foundational research to implement REDD+ projects to secure carbon reduction achievements from the overseas forest sector. Additionally, we conduct research to enhance transparency and reliability for the Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs).

  • Research on REDD+
    Research on REDD+

    Research on REDD+

  • Analysis of ITMOs  potential in REDD+  cooperation
    Analysis of ITMOs potential in REDD+ cooperation

    Analysis of ITMOs potential in REDD+ cooperation

  • Reserach on Expanding Overseas Carbon sinks Using REDD+
    Reserach on Expanding Overseas Carbon sinks Using REDD+

    Reserach on Expanding Overseas Carbon sinks Using REDD+

The Forest Carbon MRV Research Team

The Forest Carbon MRV Research Team conducts research on the development of measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems of the national greenhouse gas inventory and mitigation (removals) effects on policy and measures in forestry sectors.

  • Structure of forest  carbon cycle
    Structure of forest carbon cycle

    Structure of forest carbon cycle

  • The national GHG  statistic of the forestry  sector
    The national GHG statistic of the forestry sector

    The national GHG statistic of the forestry sector

  • The biennial  transparency report  response system
    The biennial transparency report response system

    The biennial transparency report response system

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