Forest Medicinal Resources Research Center

Breeding new varieties and conservation of forest medicinal resources, cultivation technologies and post-harvest management, conducting analysis on pharmacological activation of natural raw materials and their commercial utilization .

Research on utilization of forest medicinal resource

The identification of suitable cultivation area of the major forest medicinal resources, and establishing, mapping and the library of pharmacological activation by environmental analysis and ingredients for effective production management, searching of active substances and evaluation of efficacy, and utilization by smart farm.

  • Searching of functional substances
    Searching of functional substances

    Searching of functional substances

  • Evaluation of pharmacological efficacy
    Evaluation of pharmacological efficacy

    Evaluation of pharmacological efficacy

  • Mass production by smart farm
    Mass production by smart farm

    Mass production by smart farm

Research on wild-stimulated ginseng

The identification of growth characteristics based on seed character increase of seed output and development of breeding and location environment, transcriptomes and metabolomics analysis and establish of QC to seedling and root age harvested.

  • Sowing of seeds
    Sowing of seeds

    Sowing of seeds

  • Test-bed in various forest vegetation
    Test-bed in various forest vegetation

    Test-bed in various forest vegetation

  • Growth of various ages
    Growth of various ages

    Growth of various ages

Research on the breeding and cultivation of forest medicinal resources

Supporting commercialization of medicinal materials after collecting, conversation, management integrated from locally/individually/colony extracts of native medicinal resources to a crude drug, voucher specimen and seed.

  • Breeding of Korean angelica cultivar
    Breeding of Korean angelica cultivar

    Breeding of Korean angelica cultivar

  • Individual selection of Three-leaf ladybell
    Individual selection of Three-leaf ladybell

    Individual selection of Three-leaf ladybell

  • Evalution of pesticides based on PLS
    Evalution of pesticides based on PLS

    Evalution of pesticides based on PLS

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