The Forest Biomaterials Center carries out researches to discover the value of lifecare materials and to develop the core technology for the practical use of forest biomaterials

Research on the traditional forest materials

Research on the traditional forest materials, such as Hanji, natural dyeing materials, natural coating materials, and tree sap.

  • restoration of hanji
    restoration of hanji

    restoration of hanji

  • Natural dyeing
    Natural dyeing

    Natural dyeing

  • Tree sap
    Tree sap

    Tree sap

Research on the discovery of lifecare materials and the value creation in industrialization

Research on the traditional forest materials, such as Hanji, natural dyeing materials, natural coating materials, and tree sap.

  • Cell-based functional evaluation pipeline
    Cell-based functional evaluation pipeline

    Cell-based functional evaluation pipeline

  • Bioactivity and indicator exploration
    Bioactivity and indicator exploration

    Bioactivity and indicator exploration

  • bioactive compound improving research
    bioactive compound improving research

    bioactive compound improving research

Research on the productivity improvement for forest biomaterials

Focusing on the development of high-quality varieties, the development of standard cultivation technologiess, and productivity improvement research on forest resources.

  • Container cultivation technology
    Container cultivation technology

    Container cultivation technology

  • Smart control irrigation technology
    Smart control irrigation technology

    Smart control irrigation technology

  • Productivity improvement technology
    Productivity improvement technology

    Productivity improvement technology

Research on functional turfgrass development and field supply

Conducting research that contributes to revitalising the turfgrass industry by developing customized functional turfgrass varieties and discovering cultivation technologiess.

  • Turfgrass breeding
    Turfgrass breeding

    Turfgrass breeding

  • Development of customized turfgrass cultivation techniques
    Development of customized turfgrass cultivation techniques

    Development of customized turfgrass cultivation techniques

  • Excavation of functional turfgrass
    Excavation of functional turfgrass

    Excavation of functional turfgrass

Research on Forest biomaterials management technology

Management of experimental forests for conservation and utilization of forest biomaterials.

  • Forest biomaterials consevation
    Forest biomaterials consevation

    Forest biomaterials consevation

  • Bamboo biomaterials utilization
    Bamboo biomaterials utilization

    Bamboo biomaterials utilization

  • Forest biomaterials consevation
    Forest biomaterials consevation

    Forest biomaterials consevation

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