Risks as Opportunities
  • DATE2006-01-03
  • HITS1173

People Who Took Risks as Opportunities

From the wildfire in Yangyang and Goseong, combat with pine wilt disease, to designation of Baekdu Daegan Mountain System, 2005 had been a rough road for all the forest families. But through all this hardships we have become stronger and wiser. We drew out public consensus on the love for pine trees, the forest law system was completed based on the Framework Act on Forests, the conflicts were resolved through compromise and conversation. The devoted forest fire fighters gave all to combat the the successive forest fires. We have tried to develop our forest to enhance our life and cultural resources. All these are fruits of overcoming ordeals that they are even more precious and meaningful.

People who took risks as opporunities! They are you, the forest families of Korea!

Runtime: 17 minutes