Let Us All Save and Love Our Pine Trees
  • DATE2005-11-14
  • HITS1206

The Mountain Day celebration held on October 18 was a very meaningful occassion for all foresters and forest people. The frequent celebrations may require hardwork but these occassions bring about active and dynamic forest tasks.
The visit of Mr. and Mrs. President to forest site on October 29 to give encouragement and acknowledgement to devoted forest owners has a great significance for all foresters and forefathers who have quietly made our forests green and built our country as a successful case of reforestation without any compensation.
Therefore, it is asked of us to push forward with our tasks with pride and confidence. As of now, all resources and budget is being concentrated in pine wilt disease control. It is necessary to let the press, NGO and the public be aware of the seriousness of pine wilt disease.
Date : 2005. 11. 2
Venue : KFS Conference Room
Run time: 26 minutes

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