Parliamentary Inspection on National Affairs for 2005
  • DATE2005-10-06
  • HITS1188

subject : Parliamentary Inspection on National Affairs for 2005

content : Agriculture, Forestry, Maritime Affairs & Fisheries Committee of the National Assembly conducted an inspection on the national affairs of Korea Forest Service on September 27. On that day, Korea Forest Service was showered by questions covering a range of pending issues on its forest policy, such as control of pine wilt disease, protection of Baekdu Daegan Mountain System, and prevention of forest fires. Although some lawmakers pointed out some problems involving its management of Green Fund in addition to Korea Forest Foundation, this year's KFS forest policy was estimated to be successful.

date : September 27, 2005

(to play on Mediaplayer)

Korea Forest Service Report on the Implementation Status of its Major Affairs (33 minutes)

Questions on Forest Policy (43 minutes)

Answers by the Chief of Korea Forest Service (25 minutes)

(to download file)

Korea Forest Service Report on the Implementation Status of its Major Affairs(33 minutes)

Questions on Forest Policy(43 minutes)

Answers by the Chief of Korea Forest Service(25 minutes)