Pine Tree as The National Tree
  • DATE2005-11-29
  • HITS1255

As the pine trees have been vanishing due to land development and pine wilt disease, it will designated as the national tree and special protection will be implemented. Congressman Shim Jaedeok of Uri Political Party submitted a draft resolution for designation of pine tree as the national tree on Nov. 27.

Congressman Shim pointed out that "there is a national flag, a national anthem, and a national flower, but a national tree has not been designated." He further added that "Through the resolution, he wishes to strengthen the Korean spirit and protect the pine tree, a tree that represent the Korean soul"

- Meaning and value that the pine tree
- Official designation of pine trees as the national tree
- Call for cooperation in prevention of pine wilt disease

Date : Nov. 28, 2005
Broadcast medium: MBC
Run time: 10 minutes

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