Rewinding thd clock on aging!
  • DATE2022-02-11
  • HITS413

Rewinding the Clock on Aging

/ Today we live in an aging society
where the biggest concern is dementia

The biggest concern of an aging society

추정 치매환자수 : Estimated number of dementia patients / 750,488 patients / 820,000 patients / 1,520,000 patients
18년 대비 예상 증가율 : Predicted increase rate from 2018 / 1.64 fold increase / 3.04 fold increase

/ According to recent statistics,
1 out of 10 domestic senior citizens, ages 65 and older, suffer from dementia
and cases are rapidly increasing each year.

/ As life expectancy continually increases,
anti-aging has been attracting tremendous interest.
Recently a special program that helps turn back the clock on aging has come into the spotlight.

A special program

that turns back the clock on aging!

/ It is an Anti-aging Forest Healing Program
created based on extensive research by the National Institute of Forest Science

An anti-aging forest healing program was created based on extensive research

by the National Institute of Forest Science

Anti-aging forest healing program

What is it?

Forest Healing Anti-aging Program

Observe and remember nature

Let's try to enhance our memory by
observing plants in the forest and remembering them
Let me show you some plants we can find in the forest.

What plant is this?

Kyungin Woo
Forest Healing Instructor

This is a ginger tree.

There are two types of leaves for ginger trees.

One is a mountain shape and the other is a heart shape.
Cherish the beauty of the mountains, the same way we cherish our hearts.
Making a connection like this will help you remember it more easily.

[Key Point]
Cherish the beauty of mountains, the same way we cherish our hearts.

You are probably wondering why it is called a ginger tree.

The leaves smell like ginger
so it was named after that.

Here is another example.

The Mongolian oak tree is a type of oak
that produces acorns.

In earlier days, the leaves were used to make sandal soles
hence the Korean name “Shingal tree” (“shin” means shoes in Korea).

The last one is called a “Gusang tree” which is frequently used as Christmas trees.

If you look at its leaves, they have different colors.
The front is green and the back is white.

It resembles “Kusal” which means sea urchin in the Jeju dialect,
and the name “Gusang” was born.

Now I will describe a tree.
Guess which one it is!

Join along!

Do you remember the phrase,
“Cherish the beauty of mountains, the same way we cherish our hearts?”

Which tree reminds you of mountains and hearts?

What is the name of this tree?

The Ginger tree!

That is correct!

Let's go onto the next one.

The leaves of this tree
were used to make sandal soles in earlier days.

Which tree is it?

Guess which one?

Is it the Shingal tree?

Yes, that is correct.

Let's look around the forest and find them for ourselves!

Participants are walking through the forest.

Many species of plants live in the forest.

This looks like the Shingal tree.

It is! I could tell by looking at its leaves.

Shingal tree found in the forest.

Participants discovered the joy of identifying trees.

Isn't this the Ginger tree we just learned about? This is the one with the strong scent!

Can you smell something?

It has a strong scent.

It really does smell like ginger.

Look! The leaves are in the shape of mountains and hearts.

/ Identifying various plants and trying to remember them at a given time
enhances cognition and memory.

Identifying and remembering plants at a given time
enhances cognition and memory.

/ When participants walk through the forest and search for plants
it has a calming effect on the mind and helps increase physical strength.

Walking through the forest and spending time in nature
provides a sense of comfort
and improves physical strength.

Let's try something different this time!

Everyone close your eyes.
I will hand something to the first person.

Please examine it carefully and hand it to the person next to you.

/ Searching for natural plants stimulates the senses in our body
and helps enhance the ability to recognize and remember objects

Stimulate senses while searching for natural plants

enhance the ability to recognize and remember objects.

When all four people are done examining it,

open your eyes and call out the name together.

One, two, three

Gusang Tree!!!

Yes, that is correct

/ Speaking out loud and listening are other
positive stimuli to the brain

Speaking out loud and listening
are positive stimuli to the brain.

인지능력: Cognitive Ability
치매진단검사, 우울상태척도 점수 비교: Score comparison between dementia diagnosis test (MMSE) and depression test (BDI)
사전, 사후 : Before, After
기분상태척도 점수 비교: Score comparison of mood state
총 기분 장애(점수) : Mood disorder (score)
우울-낙담 (점수) : Depression - dysthymia (score)
피곤-무력 (점수) : Fatigue - exhaustion (score)
사전, 사후 : Before, After

/According to a research conducted by the National Institute of Forest Science,
after participating in the forest healing anti-aging program
participants showed progress in cognitive functions
and improvement in the overall depressed mood

Forest Healing Anti-aging program

Wake up your body!

Up and down exercise

In this class, we are going to simultaneously use our senses
such as walking and shouting
to enhance our cognitive ability and body awareness.

Stand on the top of your mat

Start with your right foot first. Go right foot up and then left

come down on right foot first and then left

Again, go left foot up and then right

and come down on left foot first and then right.

Follow along everyone!

go right foot up and then left foot

down on right foot and then left foot

go up on left foot and then right foot

down on left foot and then right foot

This time, call out “sonamoo” when your right foot is up

and 'jatnamoo' on your left foot up

right foot - sonamoo

left foot - jatnamoo

'sonamoo' when right foot is up

'jatnamoo' when left foot is up

Let's try something harder

Say 'Sonamoo' when your right foot is up

'Jatnamoo' when your left foot is up

and lastly call out your name when you come down on both feet

right foot - sonamoo
left foot - jatnamoo
right foot up - 'sonamoo'

left foot up ' jatnamoo'

both feet down 'your name'

/ Going up and down the steps helps build physical strength
and relieves accumulated stress

Sensory stimulation activities also help to activate the brain

Up and down exercise helps build physical strength
and relieves accumulated stress

Sensory stimulation activities help activate the brain

기능적 체력 : Functional strength
덤벨 들기 (횟수) : Lift weights (reps)
일어섰다 앉기 (횟수) : Stand up and down (reps)
제자리 걷기 (횟수) : Walking in place (reps)
왕복 걷기(sce) : Walking back and forth (sce)
사전/사후 : Before, after

근력 : Muscular strength
위팔두갈래근(kg) : Biceps (kg)
넙다리네갈래근(kg) : Quadriceps (kg)
장따지근(kg) : Gastrocnemius (kg)
사전/사후 : Before, after

/ According to a research conducted by the National Institute of Forest Science,
participants showed significant improvement in the upper and lower body muscular strength
after participating in the forest healing anti-aging program

Sensory activities

We tried activating our senses while walking through the forest

Let's try another activity.

We are going to try a motion to stimulate our senses
First, move your eyes left to right, up and down
and in a circle from left to right

/ Move the eyes left to right, up and down
and in a circle from left to right. Repeat slowly 3 to 5 times

Slowly repeat 3 to 5 times

We are going to try stimulating the senses on our face

Using the tips of your five fingers

Gently pat from the forehead, around the eyes, cheeks and down to the chin.

Everybody Follow along!

Imagine that our face is getting brighter

and our skin is getting healthier

This time we are going to pat our body using both hands

Make sure you are not hitting or slapping

Gently pat starting from the shoulders, arms, body, hips

thighs and down to our calves.

Just think how healthy our bodies are getting!

/ Breathing in fresh air puts mind at ease
and stimulating body senses like the facial muscles and eyes
activates the brain.
This helps improve mental stability
and also enhances overall sensory perception

Breating in fresh air
puts mind at ease

stimulating body senses

activates the brain

helps improve mental stability

enhances overall sensory perception

Final breathing exercise
For the final exercise we are going to take deep breaths

Stretch out your arms legs and the body as far as you can

Take a deep breath

All the positive energy from the forest is coming into your body

This time breathe out

All the negativity is going out of your body

/ Repeat breathing in and out slowly for 5 minutes

Repeat breathing slowly for 5 minutes

/ The process of taking slow, deep breaths
is highly effective in calming the mind and body

Focusing on the breath puts mind at ease
and through these exercises, participants are able to have a healthier body and mind.

The process of taking slow, deep breaths is

highly effective in calming the mind and body

Focusing on the breath
gives a peace of mind

With the growth of aging population and higher life expectancy
anti-aging is attracting more interest than ever before

As aging population grows

anti-aging is attracting more interest than ever before

/ According to a research study,
walking through a 2km forest path for 30 minutes
helps decrease negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, anger
and significantly enhances cognitive ability.

산림치유 효과 : Effects of forest healing
단위 점수 : unit score
도심, 일상, 숲 : City life, daily, forest
인지능력 : Cognitive ability
부정적인 기분 상태 : Negative mood state

/ Forest healing
Rewinds the clock on aging

Join the Forest Healing program for a healthier future!

Forest healing program rewinds the clock on aging
A healthy future
Let's make it together

Forest healing for a healthier future