Forest is Economy
  • DATE2005-05-25
  • HITS1356

Forest is Economy

State of Korean forests and future management directions
Comparative analysis with advanced forestry of Germany
★ Part 1 (April 4, 2005)
- Korea: Transistion in Paradigm, in need of "Forest Tending"
- Germany: Enhance forest vitality with mixed forests
★ Part 2 (April 11, 2005)
- Korea : Know your tree before planting
- Germany: Managed by experts from plantation to felling
★ Part 3 (April 12, 2005)
- Korea : Vanishing forests
- Germany: Co-existence of private and national forests
★ Part 4 (April 13, 2005)
- Korea : Lack of forest culture
- Germany: National well-being through forests
★ Part 5 (April 14, 2005)
- Korea : Trees, living high value-added industry
- Germany : Golden forest, 100 years to the future
Medium : KBS1-TV 9 o'clock news
Runtime : 15 minutes
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