KFS to Step-up Forest Fire Precautionary measures
  • DATE2008-03-03
  • HITS2188

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD As the dry weather contiues, the KFS reinforced the fire hazrd level to moderate risk. Especially this month with low precipitation rate has a1erted forest fire hazard.

The KFS Forest Aviation Office was called on for an emergency response.
The fire agents promptly aboarded the helicopters and report to the incident site.
The KFS has stationed 48 helicopters in strategic stations for efficient first response.

Mr. Kim Joohyun of Jincheon Forest Aviation Statioin said that KFS is ready to report to any incident site across the nation within 30 minutes.

As the national aridity warning has kept on for 14 days, the forest fire hazard level has been reinforced to moderate risk.
Especially the average precipitation this month has reached merely 0.7 mm, which is 1/50 of last year.

KFS DG for Forest Protection Mr. Hur Kyungtae added that KFS will further mobilize necessary equipment for precautionary activities.

Broadcast Medium: KBS News
Date: Feb. 19, 2008
Running time: 2 minutes