on a Dazzlingly Beautiful Day
  • DATE2005-09-22
  • HITS1296

subject : on a Dazzlingly Beautiful Day

content : One of the poems written by a illustrious Korean poet, Seo Jeong-ju says that on a dazzlingly beautiful day, one ought to miss one's lover. It is amazingly beautiful autumn. What are you thinking of in autumn? Who are you missing?

Since I became a public servant at the age of 19 in Korea Forest Service, I have so far grown trees, gazing at mountains for 38 years. Thus, on autumn days, I lift up my eyes to the mountains. Whilst turning my eyes on them for a long time, I feel like being held in the arms of the mountains. Mountains make the sky in autumn look high and blue, and fields and villages look cozy and tranquil.

Mountains provide food in addition to trees to us, preventing floods and drought, and also making us enjoy picturesque scenery. For all that, mountains are groaning and suffering at the moment. On an annual basis, they are withering and dying from fires, as well as disease and pest insects. This year, Yangyang forest fire, etc wreaked havoc on mountains, more than 60 times as large as Mt. Nam. Furthermore, due to a disease called pine wilt disease, this year has seen 350,000 pine trees being cut.

I suggest the nation's mountains be protected from fires and disease and pest insects in order to make our country a beautiful land. In this autumn, how about taking time to deliberate over the benevolence of mountains and trees? It is a dazzlingly beautiful day.

date : September 20, 2005

running time : 2 minutes

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