The Public Out to Save the Pine Trees
  • DATE2005-12-08
  • HITS1216

Save Pine Tree Society has been inaugurated. The pine trees have special place in our culture to the extent of being included in the National Anthem.

The pine long-horned beetle is the carrier of the pine nematode of 1 mm long. The nematode blocks all passage ways of nutrition, withering the tree to death.

Quarter of our forests is covered with pine trees. We are in great danger of losing our pine trees as we did not succeed in extermination when first occurred in 1988.

Save Pine Tree Society was organized in view to saving our pine initiative of not only the government but also the academia, finance, cultural and arts sector.

The Society stresses that compare to the seriousness of pine wilt disease, participation from the public is insufficient. They are looking into increasing public awareness and emphasis on economic effects of the disease.

Medium : KTV
Date : 6 December 2005
Run time: 2minutes 30 seconds<script language="javascript"></script>

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