Defend Our Pine Trees, Pine Wilt Disease Emergency(EBS-TV)
  • DATE2005-11-28
  • HITS1267

Pine trees cover 1/4 of our forests and they are the living legacy of history and culture. These pine trees are dying because of the pine wilt disease. The disease has spread to the northern region and threatening the young pine trees growing in this area.
The disease is caused by a pine nematode, and when infected, it blocks the flow of water and nutrition. Even the healthiest pine tree withers and dies within 3 months. Since there is no known treatment to cure the disease yet, the best that can be done, as of now, is to cut down the infected trees and apply fumigation treatment.
To save our pine trees that represent the Korean spirit, we need participation and concern from the public. On Dec. 6, Civil Committee to Save the Pine Trees will be organized to take the inititative of public campaign.
Date of broadcast: Nov. 22, 2005
Broadcast medium: EBS-TV

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