To the Trees
  • DATE2005-11-29
  • HITS1173

The forest burial, return to nature, has been gaining popularity recently.

The ashes of one of the devoted forester who passed away in 1987 have been buried under a tree today.


● Lim Gwang-taek (second son of late Mr. Lim Jong-guk): I think i have to take on the role of the pioneer. It has been a great opportunity to meditate over the noble intentions of my father.

● Reporter: It seems that the forests of Mt. Churyeong, to which the late Mr. Lim has devoted his life, will be used as the tree burial ground.


● Cho Yon-hwan (Chief of the KFS): We plan to develop tree burial fields where the conditions are most suitable. Where anyone who wishes to undertake tree burial service can do so...

Named as one of the Forest Hall of Famers, late Mr. Lim devoted himself to forest. The vast forests that he left behind might someday be the final resting place for the generations to come.

MBCNews Lee Jae-won

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