The Design of Artificial Nestboxes for the Study of Secondary hole-nesting Birds: A Review of Methodological Inconsistencies and Potential Biases
  • DATE2010-12-31
  • HITS3646
Author : Lambrechts. C. R. Park. Adriaensen. Ardia. Artemyev. Atienzar. Ba?bura. Barba. Bouvier Camprodon. Cooper. Dawson. Eens. Eeva. Faivre. Garamszegi. Goodenough. Gosler
Gregoire. Griffith. Gustafsson. Johnson. Kania. Kei?s. Llambias. Mainwaring. Mand Massa. Mazgajski. Mqller. Moreno. Daenzer. Norte. Orell. Otter. Perrins. Pinowski Porkert. Potti. Remes. Richner. Rytkonen. Tang Shiao. Silverin. Slagsvold. Smith. Sorace Stenning. Stewart. Thompson. Tryjanowski Torok. Noordwijk. Winkler. Ziane. Nilsson
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