  • DATE2015-11-04
  • HITS1622

Domestic Forest Distribution, 64% of the Country.
Production size of ForestProducts, 5 Trillion 500 Billion won.
Forest Value, 73 Trillion won.
Through the production of high valued green growth forest
resources, for the 21st century forest power korea.
The new attempt of the Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center starts now.
The Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center that is located in Jeokbosan, Chungcheongbuk-do,Korea, first started as the Breeding station Institute of generic, the korea forest service in 1970.
It is reorganized as the Korea Forest Service, Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center in August 2008.
For the efficient work performance, it has the administratration support, budget planning, screening support, examination of varieties and cultivation screening room in the department of variety examination, and seed and seedling management,production distribution and genetic resources room in the department of seed & seedling management.
It has established and operates 3 branch offices in Chuncheon, Gangeung and Anmyeondo.
Through the general organization of protection program for forest and plant seeds, it is making efforts as a national organization responsible for the production and supply of good forest seed. Under the mission called (Creation of Green-Wealthy Country through Seed Protection and Production/Supply of Good Forest Seeds), it is performing the following main tasks.

The "Protection of New Plant Variety" that is managed from the UPOV, which was formed in 1968,recognizes the intellectual property rights to the "plant breeder" and authorizes the rights to require royalty for the applicable variety. This promotes the development of new varieties and has the objective of seed industry's development through the interests protection of breeders and 70 countries are participating actively.
The korea Forest Seed & Variety Center confronts to this periodical flow having the objective of fast,accurate and fair realization of variety examination for the settlement of the forest plant variety's protection system that became effective in March 2008. It has established and revised the general regulations of the variety protection program, examined the applied variety of breeders and set up the web-base variety protection comprehensive information system.
One-stop service is possible from application to examination and management.

Also, it pursuing the strengthening of global cooperation and advancement of examination work through participation of UPOV international meeting.

Through participation of UPOV international meeting. Through academic-industrial collaboration with several universities, it is strengthening cooperative activities with domestic and overseas associated companies including joint research activities for forest variety and others.

The applied variety performs the systematic variety test for distinctness, uniformity and stability following the feature investigation points from the bract. it collects and preserves the variety distributed to the domestic and overseas, which can compare with the existing variety, increasing the accuracy of cultivation examination.

Recently, it is making efforts for various special tests development including molecule biological analyzing technique, biochemical variety feature and others to decide the dispute of various varieties.

Also, it is operating the civil petition supporting system including the reception of variety protection applications, document examination and others to support varieties application.

For the activation of variety upbringing, it supports the registration of new variety and overseas variety protection applications for overseas market entry.

Also, with the objective of visiting service, it performs field consulting for the latest breeding technology by visiting the breeders that has insufficient information and providers education, information and others related to variety protection.

The Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center pursues stable production of high-quality good forest seeds for producing district resources. For this, it has formed a 750ha seed orchard with the 60 species of trees through selection of elite trees that has superior genetic factors from 1968.

It produces and supplies improved seeds through systematic management. Especially,for the optimization of seed orchard management, it has expanded the infrastructure including work mechanization and others.

The good seeds produce the supply by management from optimum storage facilities following the species of trees.

The seed orchard for the high-quality good forest seed production is a valuable national property formed through accumulated experience, much time, cost and effort. Therefore, it is setting up and managing the forest seed supplier DB that is the database of seed orchard, seed quality, storage history and others to connect the past experience to the future. Also, for the national management for production, distribution and use of forest breeding resources, it sets up the quality certification standard of forest seed and performs tasks including quality examination, issuing of quality warranty and others.

For the systematic distribution and management of forest seeds, it registers the seed business by visiting the seed distribution field, quality marking and checking the selling of seeds that passed the sprouting guarantee period and others. For damage prevention from illegal inferior seeds, we educate and promote attention for related regulations and seed purchase, management when damage occurs and others.

In the General Meeting of the 10th Biological Diversity Agreement held in Nagoya Japan in October 2010 and international Agreement of [Approach and Profit Sharing of Genetic Resources]was agreed of parts and countries started competition for the claim of interest for biological resources.

Hereupon, the Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center is performing the related tasks by establishing the "Promotional Plan for Preservation, Mamagement and Use" for forest seed and life support of new forest plant variety from 2010.

- First, it investigates and collects 51 species and 10,000 resources including seeds and new varieties until 2018.

- Second, it preserves safely in the Gene Bank and EX situ preservation and others following the preservation value priority for collected resources

- Third, it investigates the useful characteristics and genetic features for preserved resources and prepares the scientific foundation for value development of sesources and sovereignty,claiming.

- Fourth, it providers actual material and information for resources upbringing to seed and seedling producer, seed developer and researcher.

lt performs the excavation, preservation and supply task of domestic forest biological resources required for the upbringing of high valued forest resources.

Especially, to perform this resources development business, it if constructing and operating the [Forest Genetic Resources Gene Bank]
As the main facilities,
-Short-term storage facility for 51 ton forest seeds
-Long-term storage facility for 150,000 seeds
-Ultra-low temperature storage facility for 760,000 DNA and cells
-Laboratory performing seed examination and DNA analysis
The Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center is planning to perform national management and supply task of relative forest seeds, which are the source material of domestic seed industry, and forest plant variety based on the [Forest Genetic Resources Gene Bank]

Forest resources producing enormously high valued, which is the source of all lives.
The world is engaged in a silent war for the security ofgood forest Seeds.
The Korea Forest Seed & Variety Center is a core organization for forest seed pooduction,and it will make every effort to make Korea of th 21th century the Forest Power Republic of Korea through constant research development for variety protection of forest resources and the stable production and supply of high quality seeds.

Thank you.