2022 NiFoS annual report_program 5

DATE : 2023-06-22

HITS : 511

2022 NiFoS annual report_program 5 이미지1

Program 5. Response to new climate regime and reinforcement of international-North Korean cooperation.
We are investigating climate change adaptation and impacts in forestry and developing greenhouse gas mitigation technology and policy using the forest in order to respond to the global climate crisis. Furthermore, we are providing a scientific basis for international and inter-Korean forestry cooperation strategy development by utilizing agriculture and forestry satellite. This allows us to develop climate change adaptation technology and mitigation policy in response to global issues such as new climate regime as well as strengthen the applicability of satellite technology in preparation for international and inter-Korean forestry cooperation measures.

□ Major outcome
5-1. Development of climate change adaptation policy and technology in forestry
·Climate change impacts were evaluated in 18 major areas of the climate change impact survey, including 7 alpine evergreen conifers, forest hydrology, forest arthropods, and forest medicinal resources through a study of climate change adaptation. Developed an assessment model and spatialisation algorithm for the carbon absorption capacity of the forest ecosystem. Established a strategy for the conservation and management of pine trees, a map of the potential production of pine trees, a map of pest and forest fire risk was established, and a growth stress risk model was developed.

5-2 A Study on forest carbon sink improvement
·Based on the next-generation molecular breeding technology, molecular markers of pine trees (pinus densiflora, pinus thunbergii) were developed to early select superior resources that improved carbon absorption capacity and to set a foundation for its utilization, model development, and applicability were also evaluated.
·The research was conducted to verify the domestic applicability of mangrove forests in island coastal areas and to establish a foundation for its creation. The possibility of introducing True mangroves and Semi mangroves in Korea was explored, a potential distribution model was developed, and the environmental location and vegetation characteristics of native mangroves in Jeju were investigated.
·A fixed type (8 locations including Namsan, Seoul) and mobile greenhouse gas observation system infrastructure were established and a permanent experimental site was created to present an evaluation and management alternatives for carbon dioxide absorption in urban forests based on the observation system. In addition, based on the classification of forest restoration types, the amount of biomass was calculated by developing a prediction model of carbon storage for each restoration method adopted to forest fire damaged area and carbon storage amount by damage types.
·In order to present ways to obtain carbon sinks overseas through REDD+, we analyzed and responded to the international negotiations on detailed guidelines related to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and analyzed cases of bilateral cooperation system for ITMOs to express strategies and methods on the basis of bilateral REDD+ reduction performance.
·As part of a study on establishing a forest bioeconomic foundation for the transition to a 2050 carbon-neutral society, the concept of forest bioeconomic was established based on analysis of foreign cases such as the EU, Finland, and North America. In order to establish a foundation for the domestic forest bio-economy, the using system of wood resources in the region was investigated in Hongcheon and Jeju, and key measures were derived to establish the forest bio-economy based on a survey of public and expert perceptions.
·As for investigating the impact of the forest ecosystem due to timber harvesting, the operating foundation for an experimental forest of forest management was co-established by the Korean Society of Forest Science and The Ecological Society of Korea, and the monitoring design for the forest dynamics was prepared for the leading forest management complex in Gari Mountain, Hongcheon.

5-3 Study on international and inter-Korean forest cooperation response
·The K-SDGs goal 15 (Conservation of land ecosystem) monitored the implementation status of six indicators in the forest sector, developed a national evaluation system (proposal) for two unevaluated indicators, evaluated the implementation level, and suggested measures to support the achievement of the objectives by evaluating the level of contributions and the contribution rate of six indicators in the forest sector. We have monitored the database to improve transparency and accuracy of SDGs national reporting statistics, and derived improvements in the reporting system.
·The planting of the peatland restoration research site (10ha, Perigi) was completed, and time series land cover classification and thematic mapping of the research site were created. It has laid the foundation for evaluating the economic, environmental and socialvalue of peatland restoration such as evaluating the value of ecosystem services according to land use scenario in South Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
·Implementation plans for inter-Korean forest cooperation have been specified based on changes in inter-Korean relations and North Korean society. Additionally, a foundation has been established to prepare for natural disasters caused by climate change, such as estimating sediment yield in Imjin River and monitoring forest diseases and pests in the border areas. With regard to the inter-Korean joint response to the climate crisis, the possibility of REDD+ targeting North Korean forests has been confirmed, and long-term cooperation agenda including an analysis of North Korean tourism policies to prepare for inter-Korean forest tourism cooperation are being developed.

5-4 ICT A Study on the Digital Forest Management of ICT Convergence
·Developed a 3D-based digital forest implementation technology to realise the digital twin of Hongneung Forest and Mt.Gari leading forest management zone based on the convergence of ground, drone, and aerial LiDAR data. Through the pilot analysis of deadwood data from the National Forest Inventory, the necessity of managing the stem density was suggested and its carbon stocks were estimated using the wood densities and carbon factors by the decay class.
·Based on mountain weather information, it produces useful information that can contribute to people's lives and safety through the results of plant phenology predictions on leaf unfolding, flowering, and autumn leaf coloration of forest tree species and the public service of the Forest Recreation Comfort Index. In addition, the forest fuel moisture observation network has been established to improve the prediction accuracy for forest fire danger rating.
·In preparation for the launch of the Agricultural and Forestry Satellite (CAS500-4) in February 2025, infrastructure is being established to receive, process, analyze, and distribute satellite information. Optimal algorithms for satellite-derived fusion products applied to the forestry sector and Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs) are being developed in accordance with established plans.

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