International Symposium News

DATE : 2023-09-26

HITS : 440

he Forest Policy that people are most satisfied with is National Reforestation.
- NIFoS was hosting an International Symposium to Share the Achievements of National Reforestation and Seek Future Visions in the Forest Sector-

On the 13th, the National Institute of Forest Science (President Dr. Bae, Jae Soo) hosted the “International Symposium of 50th Years of Anniversary on National Reforestation" at COEX to share the achievements of national reforestation in the Republic of Korea (Korea) and present a vision to contribute to the future international community.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the complete restoration of barren lands into forests, achieved through strong national leadership and the sense of ownership by the citizens in 1973. In a survey conducted by the Korea Forest Service in May on public awareness of forests, the satisfaction rate regarding National Reforestation reached 85.4%. Despite this remarkable global success in forest greening, Korea still faces challenges such as climate change, forest disasters, improving ratio of wood self-supply, and competitiveness in forestry.

Therefore, during this symposium, under the main theme " Achievements and Challenges in National Reforestation and Seeking Global Forest Policy," keynote speeches, thematic presentations, and designated discussions took place. In the keynote speech, Minister of the Korea Forest Service Nam, Sung-Hyun presented "50th Years of National Reforestation, A Prosperous Forestry Renaissance," while Dr John Parrotta, President of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), delivered a presentation on "Global Perspective on Forest Landscape Restoration."

Subsequently, thematic presentations and designated discussions were held on topics such as ▲ the utilization and management of forests and forestry ▲ sharing of forest ecosystem services ▲ contributions to carbon neutrality ▲ international cooperation and dissemination in the global community.
President Dr. Bae, Jae Soo of the National Institute of Forest Science (NIFoS) stated, "Based on the successful experience of National Reforestation, we have to find the solution for various challenges ahead of us." He further added, "In particular, the National Institute of Forest Science will focus its research capabilities on transitioning from manpower-based forest management and forestry to a digital forest management system using advanced technology."

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