2022 NiFoS annual report_program 3

DATE : 2023-06-22

HITS : 575

2022 NiFoS annual report_program 3 이미지1

Program 3. Expansion of forest-based national welfare spaces and functions
As the demand for utilizing forests as national welfare resources increases, it is necessary to establish a foundation for improving the health and the quality of life of the people, and pursuing happiness based on forests. To this end, we develop consumer-centered forest welfare service policies and technologies such as improving the living environment through urban forests, utilizing forest resources in terms of recreation and health , and cultural education. Through this, we aim to create and operate a forest-based welfare space, promote the value of forest services, and develop forest healing services linked to health and medicine to improve the quality of life of the people and maximize the added value of green resources.

□ Major outcomes
3-1. Activation of forest welfare services and development of strategies for linking mountain village
·In order to investigate the impact of forest welfare services on people's lives, a measurement scale was developed based on the framework for analysing the relationship between forest welfare services and quality of life.
·For the efficient operation of the national forest trails (designated by the Korea Forest Service, 2021~), the role and cooperation system of stakeholders was developed, and a guide on the forest trails use rating was developed to lay the foundation for service provision. A realistic technology-based forest carbon-neutral education scenario was developed by identifying the application characteristics of realistic technology and selecting the content range of forest carbon-neutral education.

3-2. Development of advanced technology for forest healing convergence of health and medical care
·Through the combination of forest activities and medical data, the health effects of forest activities were analyzed on a trial basis, and in order to expand this, the combination of pseudonymous data is continuously promoted for gathering more data.
·Accordingly, descriptive data was structured and the platform development foundation was established for providing and utilizing related information. In addition, the healing effects of forest healing factors and forest structure model scenarios were analyzed to present prediction categories for the complex expression of urban forest healing functions, and basic data of forest structural change simulation analysis were collected to enhance forest healing effects.

3-3. Development of technology for maintaining and promoting urban forest functions
·Based on the measurement results after analyzing the particulate matter adsorption ability of 150 major species that can be planted in urban forests, guidelines for creating forests reducing particulate matter and green forests for children's safe are presented by establishing DB for tree characteristics and for BVOCs chemical species of each tree species.
·Through the analysis of local government wind road forest data, a three-dimensional (vertical + horizontal) scenario of wind road forest was created and a management model was presented.
·The particulate matter monitoring system has been continuously established (36 locations and 108 branches), showing an 82% construction rate so far this year, and the measured data has been opened(data.go.kr, Aican.nifos.go.kr) as national-focused data. Data analysis has resulted in the reduction of particulate matter in forests by events such as high concentration of particulate matter, yellow dust, and forest fire.
·For reducing VOCs that are precursors of particulate matter, 6 clones of 6 Poplar species and 6 clones of 5 Salix species were selected as low BVOC emitting clones, and 59 candidate AVOCs reducing microorganisms were discovered.

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